library walkways with squares


Setting up a project 

Issue: I’m meant to be working on a project, but when I try to log in I get a message to say my access is denied.

Answer: The Project Manager or Screening Manager need to allocate you to the relevant stages of the project.  

Issue: I don’t think the papers I was trying to upload for screening have uploaded. 

Issue: I got a message when I tried to upload a file to a new project that another file was being uploaded and I had to wait. It’s been a while now, is something not working? 

Issue: I don’t think the deduper is working, it’s taking a long time.

Issue: I don’t think the Map field indexer is working, it’s taking a very long time. 


Issue: I’ve been allocated papers to screen, but when I go to the screening page the decision boxes are greyed out. 

Answer: Screening Managers and Project Managers are able to see all the abstracts, but can only screen the ones that have been allocated to them, the rest will have greyed out decision boxes. Click on the “Search/Filter Papers” button and then tick the box that says “Limit to my allocated papers:  

If you still have no papers that you can screen, it may be that the final decision has already been calculated for your allocated papers. Once this has happened, no more screening can be done for those papers with a final screening code.

IssueI was screening yesterday and now I can’t remember where I got up to. 

Issue: I’m trying to reconcile screening differences, but when I go to the Reconciliation page I can see all the abstracts, not just those with disagreements.

Issue: Not all the papers the screeners have included in the project are relevant. How can I review their decisions and change the final decision if I disagree? 

Issue: I can’t see how to move to the next stage in the Manage screening options, the button is greyed out. 

Map indexing 

Issue: I was indexing a Map yesterday and now I can’t remember where I got up to.

Answer: You can either click on the Jump to last viewed paper button:  

Or click on the Search/Filter Papers button, then select the filed you were indexing from the “No tags for” box: 

Issue: I’m going through the papers with no tags for my field but when I step through them, the Mapper seems to miss some out. How can I go through all of them? 

Issue: I can’t work out how to see what the Map I’m working on will look like.

Issue: When I look at the Map, I can’t see all the relevant tags in the list. 

Issue: I’ve got too many tags in a field, do I have to retag all the papers? 

Issue: How do I know if I should make abstracts visible to clients?